Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Welcome to a college girl's food blog!!!  Before coming to college, I tried to google "college foods" to help prep for the scary world of poor-college-student days and in an attempt to know what I was getting myself into.  However, I couldn't find anything.  I like to eat well, and the stuff I was finding were things like pictures of ramen and that was it.  I'm positive that college students don't only eat ramen.  You would die if you had a diet like that.

So that's where this blog comes into play.  When I finally left for college, I took with me a GIANT family cookbook and a laptop.  I discovered quickly, however, that a lot of the recipes in the family cookbook had little ingredients here and there in almost all of the recipes that my college budget just couldn't afford a lot of the time.  Then I found a site called SuperCook.  This site has been one of my best friends!  You put in the ingredients you have, then it lists recipes you can make.  And if you don't have everything, it will tell you what you need to get.  It's wonderful!!

As I try out recipes, I'll be posting the ones I like here.  Also, for the most part they should be able to feed 2-4 people.  However, don't be shocked if there's a big recipe.  I'm used to cooking for a family with a dozen people.  Also, these should be recipes with ingredients that aren't too crazy.  I try to keep things simple, and the ingredients I use are ones that, for the most part, are needed in a lot of common recipes.  You won't be buying the ingredient, use it once, then never look at it again.

Some standard ingredients I've found are:

And other various things.  Look at the recipes on the left of the page and you'll see which ingredients repeatedly come up.  The ones listed above are ones I have almost a year's supply of or am constantly buying.

Also, if you're looking for a specific thing, like say you're looking for a great dinner recipe, I am pretty good at putting labels on each post.  So search "dinner" and you'll get some dinner recipes.  Simple, the way I like it.

So enjoy the blog and the food!  Any questions, feel free to ask!! Suggestions are always welcome, both for the recipes and also how to improve the blog!  I absolutely LOVE getting feedback!  Happy cooking! :)

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